Preschool Forms | Classes and Fees Form
Preschool Curriculum
Wee Learn is the curriculum for our 1’s, 2’s, and 3 year old’s. It introduces Bible stories to the children along with a very simple memory verse and art activity. Colors, shapes, numbers and letters are introduced and calendar skills are included in circle time. Centers are based on thematic units and the children rotate daily in small groups. Our 4 year old Pre-K students work through a Bible curriculum called Purposeful Design. This curriculum is presented from both the Old and New Testaments, emphasizing God’s love. Saxon is our beginning reading program used with our 4 year old Pre-K students. It focuses on letters and their sounds, how letters create words and words create our written language. Phonics, fluency and comprehension are also modeled throughout the program.
Our 2, 3, and 4 year old’s receive 25 minutes of music education each week. Our music teacher introduces simple rhythms, exploration with musical instruments and fun songs.

Our 3 and 4 year old’s have chapel each week with Ms. Patty. Exploring God’s Love is our curriculum that walks the children through stories of the Bible in chronological order.
Our 4 year old Pre-K students visit our school library every other week for story time and book check out.
Extra Curricular Activity
Soccer Shots: 2 year olds through 2nd grade Soccer Shots is a soccer training and skills class that meets after school once a week for an additional fee. Visit for more information.